Version 56

Release notes - Version 56

Bug fixes

Align wording last VS last 24h

Data inconsistency for Amsterdam (Check / Felyx)

Marketplace subscription not working

Adding a new zone in a regulation should not remove the existing one


Activity: Capacity to save temporary zone from activity as permanent

Activity : O/D switch loading time

Intelligent Platform: Evaluation framework for predictions

Data Exchange :New dedicated logo for Vianova Market Insight

Data Exchange: New feed SLI, request accepting time

Data Exchange: Create a new notification for feed request pending

Data Exchange: Improve public marketplace feed cards

Regulations : Implement new MDS url with org name in Cityscope


PoE Bug- underscores are showing

Co2 Savings in Kg rather than g

Ensure that the "Created Scope" is the default to load, and "Demo Scope" is the second one

Operators should have a system wide color that is represented in graphs