The team at Vianova is always busy improving Cityscope. Here's what we'll be working on in the coming months. As always, our roadmap is subject to change, as like any company we must balance what we plan to do against urgent customer needs, new business opportunities, and investments we need to make behind the scenes to keep our platforms running smoothly.
Q2 2023
🚦🚨Road Safety
Over the past several months, we've been working on an experience to combine multiple data sources together and produce a multimodal road risk. The goal is to help cities prioritize their vision zero budgets in places not only where collisions have occurred in the past, but that data indicates will be risky in the future. You can read more about our work so far here.
This quarter, we'll focus on scaling this feature up, improving the user experience and simplicity of the recommendations, and adding the ability to work with both historic data and data which is updated from the latest observations.
🚚📦Urban Logistics flows
Similarly, we've taken the lessons of shared micro-mobility management and applied them to commercial vehicle activity, particularly loading and unloading stops in urban environments. We've developed a feature to give cities a wide-ranging understanding of stop locations and durations, with an eye toward improving the efficiency and placement of delivery zones.
In this quarter, we'll be working on industrializing data collection for this feature, as well as optimizing the user experience based on some of the feedback we've received in our pilots.
📊 Cityscope Reports
We are also investing time and resources into the shared micro-mobility use cases which so many of our cities have. In Q1 of this year, we made several important improvements to the report feature, such as allowing for editing and duplication of widgets, adding infringement tables for policy types, and implementing the "monometric" (keeping a report widget pointing to the latest version of a policy, allowing you to edit policies without worrying about the report implications).
This quarter, we'll be working with you on the intuitiveness and the design of the report, to allow users to create elegant, informative reports not just for themselves, but for others in their organizations and the general public.
🧾Fees & Subsidies
The micro-mobility industry is becoming more complex, and cities are increasingly using pricing as a policy lever in order to penalize or incentivize certain behaviors. Whether it is charging a surcharge for vehicles being dropped off in dense areas or rewarding users for trips which create a last-mile connection from public transport, pricing policies help companies and cities work more cooperatively together.
Cityscope already supports a fees & subsidies module, but over the quarter we'll be refining it to focus on specific use cases related to incentivizing or discouraging certain trips, parking behavior, or activities.
📍Device Location Accuracy
We work closely with our operator partners to ensure that the data they provide us about vehicle positions is transmitted to cities accurately and quickly. As parking rules change, and more cities adopt hyper specific parking zones, it is important for us to increase our confidence in the location of a device, and explore new techniques to accommodate for GPS error.
Over the quarter, we'll investigate the feasibility of connecting to different data from operators in order to improve the reliability of vehicle positions, both in Control and for the purposes of counting infringements.
🔄GTFS & GTFS-RT Integration
Micro-mobility is one portion of a broader transport ecosystem which includes multiple different modes. One of the key use cases cities have is the connection between shared mobility and public transport. We'll be working on making this analysis easier through the use of GTFS and GTFS-RT informationto help users better understand shared micro-mobility activity in the context of bus and train service and frequency.
By the end of the quarter, we plan to have a simple integration for data about stops, routes, and frequencies to be available in the Cityscope experience.
And don't forget to check out what we did last quarter in our most recent change logs