Version 106

πŸ—“οΈ Date: 15 Feb, 2024

πŸ› οΈ Cityscope Improvements

  • [STREAMS] Introducing ad hoc K-anonymization of data at query time for Vianova Shared Mobility data stream

    K-anonymization is a privacy technique that ensures each record in a dataset is indistinguishable from at least k-1 other records, preserving privacy by making it difficult to identify individuals. Vianova is introducing ad hoc anonymisation at query time, enabling client exploring the Vianova Shared Mobility data sets live with only the necessary anonymization based on granularity of the data. As a result, a slight difference in the data can be possibly visible when the data quantities are small, especially on statistics at hour level or at district level. Anonymization is now applied for metrics which concern count of trips going into specific destination ('Count of trips ending in' metric) or leaving specific origin ('Count of trips originating from' metric) and also count of trips using specific road normalised per hour ('Count using road' metric). Please note that these statistics are explicitly cited and recommended to anonymise by MDS privacy recommendations

    Furthermore, a significant difference for our clients is that we no longer anonymise fleet size ('Fleet size' metric and idle time ('Average device idle time' metric). This enables our clients to be able to fully export fleet size and idle time and compare such data with the data from operators.

  • [SYSTEM] Over the past few weeks, you may have received an email notifying you of the deletion of your scope. This action was taken as part of our initiative to remove any unused or expired scopes from our system. If your scope has been deleted and you wish to continue using our services, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated customer support team for further assistance. They will be more than happy to help address any concerns or facilitate your successful continued use of Vianova Cityscope. Unused scopes will be frozen if no user logs into them for the period of four months.

  • [SYSTEM] Improved error handling now redirects users to a dedicated error page when encountering application-crashing errors

🚧 Bug Fixes

  • [REGULATIONS] The single parking regulations have been revised by eliminating the recommended/enforced options and replaced with a more descriptive explanation that better communicates the functionality to users
  • [INTEGRATIONS] Corrected the behaviour that falsely categorized vehicles from provider Velospot into various different categories
  • [REPORTS] Fixed a bug which caused that some of the zone’s geofeatures could have been duplicated inside the Zones data stream used for the enhanced Widget Builder
  • [ACTIVITY] Addressed the issue causing the incorrect display of 'No data' text when filtering the trips data of origins or destinations by district

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Our Help Center guide will always help you to get started with us [πŸ”— Vianova Help Center]


As always, our teams are at your disposal to help you get started with these features, so don't hesitate to contact us directly online by chat or by email at


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