Getting Notifications
Notifications are email messages sent by Vianova at certain moments.
Compliance Reports
Compliance Reports are daily notifications sent with a list of all devices in violation of a device based policy (no parking zone, no riding zone, maximum parked time, maximum unavailable time). These infringements will be sent in an attached CSV which can be easily opened in an application such as Microsoft Excel. Compliance reports for a City include violations for all operators, compliance reports for an individual operator will include only those devices which they are responsible for.

An example of a compliance report email
Reported Devices
When using the Control Page, city users may report specific devices to the operator. These devices could be incorrectly parked, but in a legal parking area, or in infringement. The user provides information about the device and has the ability to attach a photograph. These notifications are sent to the appropriate operator user in that city. Again, the city will receive one email with all reported devices, and the operator will receive only those devices which they are responsible for.

After a device has been repositioned and the status has been updated, an additional email will be sent with information about the device resolution.

Policy Changes
It is also possible to subscribe to notification emails when new policies are added by the city, including a link to view the policy on Cityscope as well as to see the geofeature in the Policy API.

Managing Subscriptions
Today, you can subscribe yourself to any of the appropriate notifications by emailing [email protected].
Updated over 2 years ago