Trips Information
Trips are one of the most important units of measurement in Cityscope, and for managing shared mobility more generally. Knowing the number of trips (and their origin and destination) is vital for managing demand and organising the right-of-way.
Put very simply, Cityscope shows the number of trip origins per hour. This number is called the "trip count" or the "number of trips" interchangeably. In order to avoid double-counting trips which start in one hour and end in the next, we are counting trips by the number of origins per hour. A trip origin occurs when the device is rented and begins moving. Unlike fleet counts, which represent a snapshot moment in time, trips are a historical record which are cumulative (in other words, each trip origin that takes place within a single hour is included in the trip count).
In most places on Cityscope, you will see the number of trips per hour. The daily trip count represents the sum of each hourly trip count for an entire day. If you are looking at a longer period of time, you may see a daily average trip count which represents the sum of all trips taken divided by the number of days.
Certain errors in the data can affect information about trip counts. For example, a "false positive" can occur with very short trips (ie, someone attempted to book a trip, but was unsuccessful). We work with operators to ensure that the data we receive is of the highest quality and that these trips are removed from calculations.
Updated about 3 years ago